Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Nearly Wordless Wednesday

My group spent a week in Boston working at the Harvard College Observatory, and we happened to be there the week when all the flowers were blooming. Perfect!

Pink Rose

Maroon Rose in the Rain

Red Rose in the Rain

Red & Yellow Rose in the Rain

Purple Iris in the Rain

Purple Iris

Purple Iris

Pink Rhododendron

I like to think that these are Purple & Gold for LSU:
Great colors!

Many of the flowers were in here, a lovely treat I got to walk by daily:
Sacramento Street Community Garden

If you know what kind of flowers these last two are, I'd love if you would share. Thanks!
Neat flower

Pink blooms


  1. bluebonnets on growth hormones, and some new variety of zinnias

  2. Those are the most beautiful photos I have ever seen. I believe that the last two flowers might be lupine and possibly zinnias?

  3. Those roses are simply fantastic!
    I love Boston, how did you like it?

  4. Thanks Mom and junebug! The first mystery flower does appear to be some type of lupine, and bluebonnets are a part of that family. I really, really like the zinnias...may have to see if I can grow some on my patio! =)

  5. those are awesome! I'm a sucker for orchids. . .I get that from my dad!

  6. the photos are lovely.......... must head to your flickr page and see what y'all got going over there. Boston is great even in the rain.

  7. How beautiful!!!

    Gardens are such a delight for the senses. In Columbia they even have a garden for the blind. Lots of interesting smells and feelings.

  8. Ooh wow, a garden for the blind?!? That would be awesome to visit!

    And yes, Boston is a wonderful city. We had a great time while we were there. =)

  9. Wow, these are some fantastic photos! Thanks for your comment on my pink bathroom, I appreciate it!

  10. How beautiful!! You've really captured them perfectly. I love the roses with the drops of water on. And it's so nice to see some bright beauty, it's a bit dull over here at the moment!

  11. They do indeed look like the lupines we have here in AK. They are gorgeous in the wild!


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