Friday, September 21, 2007

Eye-Candy Friday!

I miss these trees. I'm 99% sure I took this pic on the way from French to Pueblano one afternoon. It's pretty much my favorite hike on the Ranch, in part because of trees like this. Other highlights of the trail include: following the mighty South Ponil Creek the whole way, the change in the landscape as you drop in altitude, the fact that it's mostly downhill, the cool mining remnants you pass, and the fact that there are always loggers at the other end! Have a great weekend y'all! =)
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  1. Hey, sorry to be so late coming back here after your visit to my blog on "compliment instead of comment" day.

    I appreciate your compliment and love your pics. I'm not quite so good at READING about how to get my camera to do what I want, I just mess with the settings and then I can never recreate it. Your way is MUCH more reasonable.

    Thanks for stopping by, come back anytime.

    This is Simply Jenn- you only have google enabled so I have to sign in as my son.

  2. Every hike that ends in loggers is great isn't it? :) That's why I'd hike from miner's to crater!



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