Wednesday, February 18, 2009

The Most Wonderful Time of the Year!

That's right, it's Mardi Gras! We've been parading in BR for a few weeks now, though I haven't been to any of them yet - I'm saving my time & energy for the big ones this weekend! But look what I discovered on campus Monday morning on the way to my office:

Beads in Trees!

Beads in Trees!

Beads in Trees!

Beads in trees! There are a few trees like this right near the Design building, and the beads have been cut and hung nicely, so I like to think it's some type of installation art. Whatever it is, it makes me happy and even more excited for this weekend! =)


  1. It's a Bead Tree! Who knew that beads grew on trees in Louisiana? I wonder what you'd have to do to receive one of those strands? Bare the 38 KKK breasts?

  2. Haha, yep, we have all kinds of strange agriculture down here! ;) I'm wondering what will happen to them next week - if the artist(s) will take them down, or if people will randomly collect them. =)

  3. how pretty !!! Louisiana is full of surprises !


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