Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Drive-By Blogging

I have no business blogging this week. But I'm really good at avoidance and denial, and I promised Melissa (who is suddenly blogless? what???), so here goes:

I got a new toy today!
New Toy!

After longing for one since Nin posted about it, then getting to play with my uncle's, I finally gave in and dropped a chunk of my savings from summers at camp on a D-Lux 4. Love. The very first picture:

Very First Picture!
I could be lamer cooler, but it would be hard. I got up early, booked it to UPS, and drove straight to the office, where I charged the battery then took a pic as soon as I could!

More fun shots from today:
Waiting for Seminar
Waiting for seminar to start. (Hi Zach!)

My Cool Professor
My prof, making faces at my friend who was taking the pictures.

Shannon's so Pretty!
Shan and I went for a little walk around campus (sometimes you just need to get out of the building!) and I made her model for me.

Knit Night Candid
This picture sums up one of the biggest reasons I bought the camera: in a dimly-lit restaurant (yeah Knit Night!), after the sun had set, I got a great picture without using the flash. Love.

Now, back to work! =)


  1. HA! It's wonderful!! Very, very nice ... Nin will be proud of you :-D

    Sorry, just having my annual blog-identity crisis, why do I do that???

  2. WOOHOOOO I LOVE THE NEW TOY !!!! I AM TRYING TO DECIDE WHAT KIND OF NEW TOY I WANT SOOOOO MANY TO CHOOSE FROM !!!!! i need to get a new computer and a photog program to go along with it ...enjoy and by the way love the blooming Azalea's !!! pretty model too !!! ;0)

  3. I've never even heard of this kind of camera. Except for the previous mention. I am off to investigate.

  4. Thanks y'all! I'm having so much fun, and every time I discover a new feature, I get more excited. ;) I'm going to a conference in AZ soon and I hope to have time to read the manual and really play with it out there where it should be pretty! =)

  5. Insanely.


    Yes, MELISSA, WHY ARE YOU BLOGLESS?? It's almost like you look all nekkid when I don't see a link by your name.

  6. oooh fun! Can't wait to see more pics! And is that a James Avery ring you are wearing?

  7. Cool Camera. YES! Nin made me want one too....and her stove!


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