Thursday, August 14, 2008


I took my little point-and-shoot camera to school today to take a daily photo, and I did actually take a few, but they're not super exciting. (I was taking pics in a sculpture garden near my building, and I think I can do a lot better with my 'real' camera...I didn't like how the lighting was coming out...) What was super exciting was going to load them on my computer and finding a few leftover Germany pics on the memory card - yay! Here are my two favorites:

Addicted? (11a)

I forgot to charge my iPod in the hotel before I left, so I looked high and low for an outlet in the Frankfurt airport. The only one I found was in, you guessed it, the bathroom! It took some jury-rigging to get my (really really heavy) converter and the iPod charger to stay plugged in, but it totally worked. So I hung out in the bathroom knitting while it charged. And yes, it was worth it, because the sound on my entire side of the plane didn't work (boo American Airlines), so the iPod was the only way to block out the noise!

Pacific Sunrise Sock Heel (11b)

Before deciding that yes I really was going to hang out in the bathroom for awhile, I did some knitting out in the lounge area. This is my very first heel from memory, done in a mildly stressful (not letting my luggage out of my sight) situation - woo! I'm quite proud. Probably should go on the knitting blog, but it's late, and I'm tired. ;)

So hopefully, there will be nicer sculpture pictures to come later. =)

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